The Zebra Mussel has become one of the most devastating and costly of the non-indigenous mollusk's invasions into US waters. Since its spread throughout the freshwater waterways in the eastern US (coming from European ballast water in shipping), densities have been reported as high as 700,000 per square meter. They form like a rock onto water intake pipes, water filtration and electric generating plants. An estimated $3 billion is spent annually for control and cleaning of zebra mussels.
A few of the many Zebra Mussel infested applications include:
- Drinking water treatment facilities
- Electric power generation facilities
- Fish hatcheries and aquaculture facilities
- Golf courses
- Impoundments and reservoirs
- Industries
- Institutions (hospitals, colleges, etc.)
- Marinas
- National scenic riverways
- Navigation locks
- Public agencies
- Recreational facilities
- Shipping and navigation
The damage that they are creating has never seen a parallel in regards to clogging intakes and now the shutting down of entire factories, powerhouses, and city water supplies.
Solutions To The Problem
In 1990 Ener-Tec, Inc. began a research project that today offers a non-chemical solution to Zebra Mussel control. Through on-site case studies at factories, such as United States Steel Co., and research studies at Purdue University and the Department of Natural Resources, Ener-Tec has proven that the Linear Kinetic Cell does effectively control Zebra Mussel Infestation. With an LKC unit installed they are not able to develop a shell. The existing shell also dissolves and they die from exposure. Most important, baby zebra mussels cannot form a shell and die. In addition to eliminating zebra mussels, you will also incur several other time and money saving benefits by using the LKC.
Linear Kinetic Cells are available for out of water or underwater installations.